Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Houston, we have a growth spurt...

Wow, I'm amazed how much our not-so-little-anymore peanut can put down the food! She's always been a good eater, but this has reached all new levels of starving-dom.

Kinda gross, but funny--here's what happenend today:

Fed her only 2 hours after her last full and frantic "MUST EAT NOW" feeding.
And, as usual when burping her, she spit up a little.
She got a little frustrated that I wasn't putting the bottle back in her mouth right away. So before I could make a move to start feeding her again-- she started crying, and then licking the formula off her chubby little hands. ew. But also hilarious. The licks included snorting noises which only added to the hilarity of the while thing.

It went something like this.....
"Wahhh!!! WAHHH!!" **lick LICK LICK** "WAHHHHHH!!!!" *lick* "WAHHH!"

What did the helpful new mom do? I laughed, and watched the wah-lick cycle. (well for just a little bit :)

I think she's ready for a burrito.

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